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Miracle Mist Skin Spray
Miracle Mist Skin Spray
A skin antiseptic, antifungal and antibacterial. Soothes cuts, scratches and skin irritations due to flea and tick dermatitis. Helps relieve itching and pain due to hot spots. Safe to apply directly to scratches, cuts and insect bites. Contains tea tree oil and is not recommended for cats.

Miracle Mist Skin Spray 100mg

Quant Package Bonus Action
Miracle Mist Skin Spray 100mg x 5 $94.01 (you save $24.99,
real price is $119.00 )
Miracle Mist Skin Spray 100mg x 10 $184.07 (you save $53.93,
real price is $238.00 )
Miracle Mist Skin Spray 100mg x 20 $355.51 (you save $120.49,
real price is $476.00 )

Miracle Mist Skin Spray 50mg

Quant Package Bonus Action
Miracle Mist Skin Spray 50mg x 5 $54.51 (you save $14.49,
real price is $69.00 )
Miracle Mist Skin Spray 50mg x 10 $104.28 (you save $33.72,
real price is $138.00 )
Miracle Mist Skin Spray 50mg x 20 $197.51 (you save $78.49,
real price is $276.00 )
Product description
What is Miracle Mist Spray-On Skin Treatment? Miracle Mist Spray-On Skin Treatment is an all-natural spray product that soothes cuts, scratches, and skin irritations due to flea and tick dermatitis. It also helps relieve itching and pain due to hot spots. For: Dogs (Over 10 weeks old) Benefits: • Includes the finest pharmaceutical grade Australian Tea Tree Oil • Includes Vitamins A, D & E • Antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal • Easy to apply How it works: Miracle Mist Skin Treatment contains Tea Tree Oil, which is recognized as an effective treatment for a wide range of skin disorders. In addition, medicinal Tea Tree Oil reduces pain and itching, symptoms associated with troubled skin. Cautions: Miracle Mist Skin Treatment is meant for dogs only. Avoid contact with eyes. If you are applying it to the face, spray the Miracle Mist on a sponge first, then apply. If skin irritation develops, discontinue use. More Information: Brand Name Miracle Mist Skin Treatment (MiracleCorp) Active Ingredient(s): Tea Tree Oil What is this product used for: Miracle Mist Skin Treatment is an all natural product that soothes cuts, scratches and skin irritations due to flea and tick dermatitis. It also helps to relieve itching and pain due to hot spots. Availability: Miracle Mist Skin Treatment is a non-prescription (OTC) product. How this product should be used: Spray on affected area, carefully avoiding eyes. If applying to the face, spray product on a sponge or cloth and apply to face. Use twice a day. What are the side effects: If skin irritation develops, discontinue use. What special precautions are there: For veterinary use on dogs only. Avoid contact with eyes. In the event of overdose: Contact your veterinarian or veterinary emergency room. How should I store this product: Store this product at room temperature. Keep out of the reach of children. Directions: • Miracle Mist Skin Spray is an all natural product that soothes cuts, scratches, and skin irritations due to flea and tick dermatitis. • Safe enough to apply directly to scratches, cuts, and insect bites. • It also helps to relieve itching and pain due to hot spots. Tip: If applying to the face, spray product on a sponge or cloth and apply to face. Storage: Store at room temperature. Keep out of the reach of children.
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