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Fast Balance
Fast Balance
Fast Balance G.I. is a fast acting supplement to balance diarrhea and digestive difficulties. Tasty and easy to administer, Fast Balance G.I. contains a specialized yeast extract that is rich in brewer's yeast, healthy enzymes, good bacteria, and B Vitamins. Helps with garbage gut, food sensitivities, stress, age, travel, and loss of bacteria and enzymes necessary for digestion.

Fast Balance

Quant Package Bonus Action
Fast Balance x 1 $110.00 (you save $-20.00,
real price is $90.00 )
Fast Balance x 3 $260.00 (you save $10.00,
real price is $270.00 )
Fast Balance x 6 $420.00 (you save $120.00,
real price is $540.00 )
Fast Balance x 9 $680.00 (you save $130.00,
real price is $810.00 )
Product description
What is Fast Balance-G.I.? Fast Balance-G.I. is an easy-to-administer digestion aid that helps your dog, cat, or horse with various gastrointestinal issues, including diarrhea, garbage gut, stress, age, or food sensitivities. For: Cats, Dogs and Horses Benefits: • Restores a healthy digestive tract for your pet • Helps stops vomiting • Helps stops diarrhea • There are no known side effects How it works: The Fast Balance-G.I. paste contains a special yeast extract that is rich in healthy enzymes, good bacteria, and B Vitamins. Administered based on your pet’s weight, the ingredients collectively work to normalize the G.I. (gastrointestinal) tract within 24 hours. Cautions: If your pet’s condition does not improve, or gets worse, stop using the medication and consult your veterinarian. More Information: Brand Name Fast Balance-G.I. (Vetri-Science) Active Ingredient(s): Each 10 cc contains Pantothenic Acid (10.5mg), Vit. B6 (2.5mg), Vit. B2 (1.0mg), Mixed Lactic Acid Bacteria, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Bacillus Subtilis, Aspergillus oryzae. What is this product used for: Fast Balance-G.I. is recommended for loose stools and other gastrointestinal dysfunctions associated with microflora infestation, garbage gut, food sensitivities, stress, age and traveling. Availability: Fast Balance-G.I. is a non-prescription (OTC) product. How this product should be used: The suggested dose for animals up to 10 lbs is 5cc 2 times a day, 11-20 lbs give 5cc 3 times day, 21-30 lbs give 10cc 3 times a day, for 31-50 lbs give 15cc 3 times a day and 51 lbs and over give 20cc 3 times a day. What are the side effects: There are no known side effects. What special precautions are there: If the animal¿s condition worsens or does not improve, stop product administration and consult your veterinarian. In the event of overdose: In case of accidental overdose contact a health professional immediately. How should I store this product: Store this product in a cool, dry, place. Keep out of the reach of children and pets. Directions: • Fast Balance-G.I. is a fast acting supplement recommended when pets have loose stools (diarrhea), and digestive difficulties associated with bacteria, garbage gut, food sensitivities, stress, age, and traveling. • Fast Balance-G.I. is available in the same concentrations as a 35 cc tube for dogs and cats, and as a 60 cc tube for dogs and horses. Tip: If condition worsens, or does not improve, stop product administration and consult veterinarian. Storage: Store this product in a cool, dry place.
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